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Rainbow Cupcake Cookies!

February 28, 2020
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Rainbow Cupcake Cookies!

March is just a few days away so I’ve started baking up a storm for St. Patrick’s Day and Spring! I found these amazing all pink rainbow earrings on Etsy and they inspired these cookies. I loved the cookies so much, I made a 2nd batch as cupcake toppers. This is my go-to recipe for buttercream and shortbread. You can also find it here from Valentine’s Day Heart Cookies!

Rainbow Cupcake Cookies!

Harmony’s FAVORITE Shortbread Cookie Recipe


1 1/2 Cups Butter, Softened
1 Cup Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla
3 1/2 Cups Flour
1/4 tsp Salt


  1. In an electric stand mixer with a paddle attachment, combine the softened butter with the sugar.
  2. Reduce speed and add vanilla and salt until incorporated.
  3. Add the flour on low speed 1 cup at a time.
  4. When the dough is formed, it’s ready to use right away or can be refrigerated in plastic wrap.
  5. Roll your dough out to about 1/4 inch thick on a floured cookie sheet (this is a thicker than usual cookie).
  6. Cut out your desired cookie shapes with cookie cutters leaving about an inch in between each cookie and pull away the scrap pieces of dough. This technique helps retain perfectly cut shapes directly on your cookie sheets! You can then simply add the scrap dough pieces to your dough ball and continue cutting more.
  7. Extra tip: I freeze my cookie cutouts on the cookie sheet for a few minutes before I bake them to further keep them from losing their shape.
  8. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 350F. Check to make sure the edges don’t brown and the centers are cooked through for a perfectly soft cookie.

Rainbow Cupcake Cookies!

Buttercream Piping Icing Recipe


1 Cup Butter, Softened
4 Cups Powdered Sugar
2 tsp Vanilla Extract


  1. In an electric stand mixer with a whisk attachment, whip the softened butter for a few minutes on high.
  2. Add the vanilla and whip until incorporated.
  3. Add 1 Cup of Powdered Sugar and whip on low speed. With a rubber spatula, scrape down the sides of the bowl and mix the butter and sugar together. Whip again on low and then high speed before repeating with the remaining sups of sugar.
  4. Divide the buttercream into separate bowls before adding any gel food coloring. I used three shades of pink.
  5. Add your finished buttercream to individual piping bags fitted with piping tips of your choice and have fun decorating! I used small open star tips.

Rainbow Cupcake Cookies!

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