Game Of Thrones Party Inspiration!
Game Of Thrones Party Styling!
Who else is a total fan club member for Game of Thrones!? We’ve styled plenty of GoT parties in the past but for the 7th season premiere, we decided to go all the way with a ‘night is dark’ themed dinner party. You will love these simple ideas for your next GoT party too! Grab the invitation set in our shop at the end of this week and host your own dark night party. Winter… Is… Coming…
Special thanks to our guest and beautiful hand model: Tawnie!
The official SF2 Game of Thrones invitation suite! The RSVP options are written in High Valyrian! Nerd points! Head to our digital etsy shop to find this template and more HERE.
Copper is a fabulous metallic accent for black!
Take a closer look and you will find the triple line through all the “O”s on the escort cards.
To go with the the dark styling theme, we also served dark themed foods! Here is a list of dark and delicious foods for your party!
Blue Corn Chips + Black Bean Salsa
Dark leaf spinach salads with cranberry & blackberries
Roasted purple potatoes
Pot Roast
Pumpernickel Bread
Blackened Chicken
Black Rice
Red Wine
Chocolate desserts (like these chocolate macarons!)
Game Of Thrones wine from Worldmarket!
Add a dash of color with basil and mint leaf garnishes OR add a punch of color to a black tray with a bright dessert!
Looking for an activity? Try the Game Of Thrones board game!
Amy Rivero
July 22, 2017 at 1:14 pm