Donuts in Bed!

December 14, 2015
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Styled for Two ~ Donut Get Out of Bed!
Date night inspiration for the over achiever

Here’s another creative date night idea that’s super easy and totally awesome.  Treat your special someone to a donut tasting experience and coffee in bed!  Better yet, let them sleep in while you go get it all together (extra points if they usually have to get up with munchkins).  I have extras in stock at the studio, check out the FB page for a fun giveaway and you could win one and a Dunkin Donuts gift card!  You will be able to find this super cute invitation note card in the HLP etsy shop after the giveaway.

I put the card in my bedside table the night prior to a morning when my husband usually has to get up with our son.  When the monitor alarmed at 6am, I turned it off so the hubs wouldn’t wake up and left the invitation to -sleep in- on the bed where he would immediately find it.

This is not staged, this is my poor husband actually asleep before I woke him up with the clicking of my camera hours later…

Harmony Lynn Photography_0073Harmony Lynn Photography_0077Harmony Lynn Photography_0074Harmony Lynn Photography_0075Mmm, which to taste first!?  I ordered a dozen randoms from our local gourmet donut shop, Love Bugs.Harmony Lynn Photography_0076Harmony Lynn Photography_0084Harmony Lynn Photography_0080The easiest way to dress anything up is to add flowers!Harmony Lynn Photography_0083Harmony Lynn Photography_0081Harmony Lynn Photography_0082Excellent taste test, he quickly found his favorite! One bite out of each…  <3Harmony Lynn Photography_0079

Head over to the HLP Facebook page and enter to win this cute invitation and a Dunkin Donuts gift card!!

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